“For I was hungry, and you didn’t feed me. I was thirsty, and you didn’t give me a drink. I was a stranger, and you didn’t invite me into your home. I was naked, and you didn’t give me clothing. I was sick and in prison, and you didn’t visit me... I tell you the truth, when you refused to help the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were refusing to help me.’”— Jesus Christ [Matthew 25:42-43, 45]
True Hope Kenya was started and run by Oliech James.
Korogocho is one of the largest slum neighbourhoods of Nairobi, Kenya. Home to 150,000 to 200,000 people pressed into 1.5 square kilometres, northeast of the city centre, Korogocho was founded as a shanty town on the then outskirts of the city.
Outreach Experience: Some church group outreach or college outreach experience is preferred.
YWAM Experience: Not required.
Language Requirement: English. Most people, especially the youth, have a basic grasp of English, and the college-educated usually have good English.
Fields of Study (Desired): Arts, Entertainment, Sports, Youth Ministries
Number of Fellows: 2 to 4
Cross Cultural Requirement: None. This may be a first outreach experience.
Note: This Converge Fellowship is most suited to males.